Archive for March, 2012
Design & Estimation

Design of an application is crucial for accurate estimation of the overall effort. Needless to say, the effort estimation plays an important role in project sizing, project planning and resource management. Unfortunately, in most instances, the application designers do not participate in the project planning stage. We offer design and estimation advice for new bespoke application development projects, […]
Business Technology Roadmap

Based on the outcomes from Business Drivers Workshops, mapping of the present IT infrastructure and the Application Portfolio Analysis, we provide independent analysis and recommendations on the “to-be” architecture blue print and a roadmap for the journey from the present state. This includes an assessment of the alignment between Business and Technology, the guidelines for decision making in further technology and […]
Technology Selection

IT Leaders are bombarded with a plethora of new disruptive technologies and solutions. With the increasing availability of Cloud based applications (SaaS), business consumerization and use of smart devices is rapidly rising. In this environment, it becomes imperative that the IT Leaders equip themselves with analytical tools to wade through the clutter and take strategic decisions for the adoption of […]
Business Technology Alignment

We undertake to carry out Business Technology workshops, to understand different imperatives across the organization. This is a primary step towards building a business aligned IT infrastructure. In context are Compliance driven requirements, gaps in the present IT infrastructure in meeting the business needs. We would also assess competing scenarios, and present architecture and technology inputs […]
Outsourcing Governance

Irrespective of the implementation model of a global delivery programme, there are additional governance challenges. The factors to be considered multiply many-fold in a global multi-sourcing model, as compared to a global shared service model, because there are multiple organisations and their business cultures to be considered, in addition to multiple locations and local cultures. Very often, these […]
Business Imperatives

Technology advances and maturing trends in areas like Cloud computing, Consumerization, Mobility, Analytics and Collaboration, present an opportunity to innovate during a period when IT Leaders are largely constrained by frugal budgets and austerity measures. Decoupling of IT strategy from Business strategy is not practical in most enterprises, no surprise that increasingly IT Leaders are judged on their ability to relate technology spend and investments […]

WhiteBox Business Solutions have the right mix of expertise, experience and locational presence to help you achieve the best outcomes from your initiatives and programmes. Each Practice has granularly defined Services to offer, which are aimed at addressing the challenges of your new and ongoing initiatives, to improve and better manage the outcomes from your IT spend, investments, programmes and vendor relationships. […]

WhiteBox Business Solutions are objective and independent in the provision of Services, using our ASSET framework of Assess, Support and Supervise to Improve and Manage Outcomes from your Enterprise Technology decisions and operations. This approach is designed to address the challenges facing you in your ongoing and new IT Initiatives. Our services are categorized by the key objective they address in this journey to helping […]
Outsourcing Assessment

Recent studies have shown that more than half the enterprises remain dissatisfied with the outcomes achieved from their outsourcing programmes. Your remote service delivery models can range from “insourcing” to a captive dedicated offshore facility, to outsourcing service delivery to multiple offshore vendors. Your plans may include green field build outs or acquisition of service capacity and Centres of Excellence. An independent assessment of the state […]
Portfolio Rationalization

Application Lifecycle Planning is a sequel to an Application Portfolio Analysis exercise. It is critical in Enterprise Architecture where a roadmap is created to achieve a business aligned IT portfolio. The principles behind this exercise are availability of data across the organization and lowering total cost of ownership. The important factors are the level of continued support […]